How to Write a Complete Product Review that Converts 268% Better (Newbie Guide)

Do you want to make money from your blog through affiliate marketing?

Then this one is a must read (and bookmark) post for you.

Product reviews are the integral parts of affiliate marketing as 88% of consumers trust online reviews.

But NOT all product reviews convert well – only the complete ones convert.

However, to write a complete product review that converts well, you must follow a proven system to keep the quality of your review high.

In this article, I am going to show you how to write a complete product review without feeling overwhelmed.

But going straight to the point, check out the following.

Benefits of Writing a Product Review:


There are multiple benefits of publishing a product review on your blog.

That includes:

  • Increase in Affiliate Sales
  • Free/Discounted Product License
  • Enhancement in Niche Authority
  • Organic Traffic Spikes in Your Site
  • Huge gifts from products companies.

and lots more.

That being said, now let’s talk about the Must-Haves of a complete product review.

Must-Haves in a Product Review:


No matter which product you are going to publish a review about, you must include the following points in your product review to make it complete.

  1. Product details (Name, Version, Features, Supports, etc.).
  2. About the Product Vendor.
  3. Plans and Pricing information.
  4. Pros and Cons of the Products.
  5. Why (and how) the product is better than other similar products.
  6. Purchase Links (Affiliate Links).
  7. Your own experience about the product.
  8. Other consumers feedback for the product.
  9. Important Terms and Conditions of using the product.

Now, let’s dive in straight to the point on how to write a complete product review that converts like crazy.

7 Steps for Writing a Highly Converting Product Review:

In the following 7 steps, I will so you how to write a complete product review that does not suck.

Step-1. Select a Product to Review:


First thing first.

You MUST select a good product to be reviewed carefully.

A good product means, it has to be good for you (the reviewer) as well as your audience (the consumers).

According to my experience, a good product should have the following 5 qualities:

  1. The product should fit well (highly relevant) in your niche of blogging or, vlogging.
  2. It should produce results as promised on its sales page (for the consumers).
  3. The product must have a strong support system (pre-sale and after-sale).
  4. It should have a Free/Money-Back Access for the Reviewers or, Affiliates.
  5. The product needs to be “Promotion-Ready” (for affiliates or, reviewers).
  6. It should be transparent enough about it business and policies.
  7. Ideally, it should have industry-best commission structure (for the affiliates).

Once a product passes all the above conditions, you may proceed towards the next step.

Step-2. Try the Product (As a Newbie):



By publishing a product review on your blog, you literally introduce a new product to thousands (if not millions) of your audience.

And that means taking a huge responsibility on your shoulder.

In order to play fair with the trust your audience have on you, you MUST try a product yourself before publishing a review of it.

To do this:

  1. Simply order a free or, sample copy of the product directly from its manufacturer.
  2. Or, buy it for yourself (against money-back) if free or, sample copy is unavailable.
  3. Use it at its fullest as a newbie (this is important).

I have recommended to use the product at its fullest as a newbie.

This is because, as a reviewer of a product, you must think about the most inexperienced users of the product.

If they find the product easy to use and result delivering, everyone else will be finding the same about the product.

Hope you got my point.

Being that said, proceed to the next step.

Step-3. Find Out Pros and Cons of the Product:


In this step, you have to find out the exact pros and cons of the product all by yourself.

This is a most important step in the whole process.

However, a few people find this step boring.

Do not be like them.

You have to proactively find out (and note down) everything about the product inside out.

Apart from this, you should have gather some comparative data about a few similar products and share them with your audience so that they can compare and find out why your reviewed product is the best for them.

Once done, let’s proceed towards the next step.

Step-4. Gather Social Proofs About the Product:


In this step, you have to gather some social proofs that strongly supports your opinions about the product.

To do this:

  1. Gather some experts testimonials about the product.
  2. Collect some consumers testimonials about the product.
  3. Collect some comments from products social media profiles.

Fortunately for you, you can find the testimonials in product’s sales page itself.

With this, proceed to the next step.

Step-5. Make a Short Product Review Video (Recommended):


In this step, try to make a short product review video to be embedded on the product review to be published on your blog.

Don’t worry.

It does not need to be a complex or, expensive one.

Simply record a video sharing your honest opinion about the product you going write a review for and make it ready to be embedded.

One video inside your review will give you a significant SEO boost.

And it will also help your review to stand out of the crowd.

As a result, your blog will enjoy a moderately huge traffic spike quickly.

And thus, chance of your affiliate sales will become higher.

With this, let’s proceed to the next step.

Step-6. Write the Final Product Review:


In this step, you need to write the final product review.

Write down the product review in details including the must-haves mentioned above.

Make sure, after reading your review, people can feel their pain without that product and perceive the better situations of themselves after buying that product.

Also, do not write the review in a “Pushing Salesman” tone.

Instead, write it in “Resourceful Consultant” tone.

Once the text part of your review copy is complete, simply place the following within it:

  1. A few attractive (ideally, CTA enabled) and relevant images (with affiliate links).
  2. The short video (above the fold) you have already made in the previous step.
  3. A few CTA Buttons and Links.

Once done, proof-read the review and rectify all the errors in it.

Finally, give the review a great title and publish it on your blog.

That being said, let’s now proceed towards the final step:

Step-7. Promote, Promote and Promote it Hard:


Once your product review is published on your blog, you must let more and more people know about it.

And that needs hard promotion.

To do this:

  1. Share the product review everywhere (e.g. Social Media, Forums, Groups, E-Mail Lists, etc.).
  2. Promote it with Paid Advertisements (Google, Bing, Social Media, etc.).
  3. Repeat the steps mentioned above for a few more times.

Real-Life Examples of Some Successful Product Reviews:

This article would remain incomplete if I do not mention a few real-life examples of successful product reviews.

So please go through the links below for getting some real inspiration:

I think the above links are sufficient to make you inspired.


In this article, I have shared a 7-step process on how to write a complete product review that has higher conversion ability.

I’m sure if you follow these guidelines, you will learn how to write a complete product review.

And eventually, by following the 7-step product review writing process, you will be able to get more sales (i.e. more revenue) from your product reviews.

Finally, please share this post with your beloved ones. They will thank you later. It takes just a few seconds.

Now if you need a little help to write a complete product review, or if you have any specific query regarding the same, please let me know by leaving a quick comment below.

I’d love to hear from you and answer you personally.

If you want to write for us, check out our Write for Us section for details.

Subhabrata Kasyapi

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