Beginner Theme Review: Best Premium WordPress Theme (AdSense Optimized)

Are you looking for the a Super Fast and Google AdSense Optimized Premium WordPress Theme? If yes, then the Beginner Theme (from Theme Junkie) is your answer. I think it is the Best Premium WordPress Theme which is Fast and AdSense Optimized. In this Beginner Theme Review, I will be sharing my actual experiences with it.

In this Beginner Theme Review, I shall cover:

  • A Short Introduction of Theme Junkie (Beginner Theme Developer).
  • Main Features (and Benefits) of Beginner Theme.
  • Pricing.
  • Available Support Options.
  • And a few things more.

So let’s get started.

1. Theme Junkie Brief:

Theme Junkie Front Page

Theme Junkie is the parent company of the Beginner Theme.

They specialise in developing excellent Themes and Plugins for WordPress.

They are in the business since 2009 and developed almost 60 beautiful WordPress Premium Themes and Plugins since then.

They are passionate about their business to make web more beautiful, accessible to more people.

Their themes and plugins are continuously powering thousands of websites and blogs everyday.

In fact, this blog is also powered by their Beginner Theme.

You can find more about them here.

2. Main Features (and Benefits) of Beginner Theme:

Beginner Theme Front Page

The Beginner Theme comes with a variety of excellent features those are almost guaranteed to satisfy your designing needs.

Let me brief them for you one by one.

Ease of Customization:

The first thing I like about the Beginner Theme is its extremely simple customization options.

Thanks to their Rock-Solid Theme Customizer that made the most difficult parts of a theme customization a child’s play (who don’t even spell the “Code”).

Yes. It is that easy.

Custom Menu:

It offers 2 different Custom Menus those are designed to fit perfectly in your designing plan.

Although you can set up (or literally play with) those Custom Menus almost anywhere you want, but I recommend you to keep them “Above the Fold” of your site.

The Main Navigation Menu also includes a “Search Box” and a Nice “Home Icon”.

However, you can always change them if you want.

Custom Fonts:

Beginner Theme is a High Quality Premium WordPress Theme.

With it, you need not have to be sticked with just a few fonts for your site.

You can craft your contents with various beautiful fonts with Beginner Theme.

And most importantly, as I mentioned earlier, the customization is exceptionally easy with this theme.

Custom Widgets:

If you are an Web Designer, you probably know that:

Keeping that in mind, the Beginner Theme comes with multiple customizable widget options to add even more functionality to your site.

All the Widgets can be set up through a Super-Comprehensive User Interface within your WordPress Dashboard.

Custom Logo and Favicon:

Beginner Theme also supports custom Logos and Favicons.

Therefore, you can add your own Custom Logo and Favicon to your site without touching a single line of code.


It is almost a matter of Drag and Drop with in-built Theme Customizer.

Beginner Theme Customization Panel

Custom Colors:

And finally, this theme also supports Custom Colours to ensure that you can always get your preferred Look and Feel with your site.

Beginner Theme’s Color Pallet works with Hex-Codes (for Colours) seamlessly.

So, if you can imagine a colour, it is possible you can use it with your site with this theme.

Responsive Design:

Beginner Theme is Highly Responsive in nature.

That means, you can be assured that your Beginner Theme Powered Site will be displayed correctly with almost all kinds of Web Browsing Devices like PCs, Laptops, Smartphones, Tablets, etc.

You need not install another plugin to make your site responsive.

However, if you still want to use a separate plugin for this purpose, you can always do that.

Translation Ready:


It is one of the real gems in today’s web design industry.

You never know who will visit your site from where.

It is possible that some of your quality visitors do not know the default language of your site.

Should you deprive them just for not knowing your language?

Absolutely not.

With the Translation Readiness of the Beginner Theme, you can please those visitors too with your contents.

Beginner Theme Demo Panel

Blog Layout:

Beginner Theme provides beautiful Blog Layouts for Professional Bloggers.

If you are a Professional Blogger like me, you will love those layouts since they are Bold and Beautiful.

You can also customize their Blog Layout as per your requirements.

Social Sharing:

Beginner Theme has in-built Social Sharing Buttons to spread your Good Works through the Popular Social Networking Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.

Configuring the in-built Social Networking Buttons should not take more than 5 minutes of time.

However, the things might be different if you have a snail-slow Internet Connection.

AdSense Ready:

Who does not want to earn a few bucks for free?



It is where the AdSense comes into play.

If you have an AdSense Account and a Quality Website (or Blog), you can start earning instantly without selling anything to anyone.

You can start earning just by displaying AdSense Ads on your Blog(s).


And the Good News is Beginner Theme works with AdSense seamlessly.

It is super optimized for AdSense.

Coupon Publishing Tools:

Beginner is a Business Ready theme.

If AdSense is not your thing, you may want to Earn Huge with Affiliate Marketing.

Beginner Theme is also ready for that.

It comes with a few Coupon Publishing Tools to promote your Affiliate Products and Services by creating a Win-Win Situation (with Coupons) within your site audience.

E-Mail Optin Form:

With help of the in-built E-Mail Optin Form, you can easily place an Optin Form in the most appropriate position (above the fold) of your site.

Content marketers like us know it very well that:

Therefore with the added support for an E-Mail Optin Form, you can grow your List quickly with Beginner Theme.

Oh yes, you can include Custom HTML Codes from different E-Mail Service Providers like AWeber, MailChimp, GetResponse, etc to Customize the E-Mail Optin Form comes with this theme.

Frequent Updates:

Theme Junkie also provides frequent updates for their themes (including Beginner).

Therefore you need not have to be worried about various Security and Compatibility issues with their themes.

Once you Activated and Customized the theme as per your requirements, you can simply forget about it and focus more on your actual business.

Check Out Beginner Theme Demo >>


3. Pricings:

Beginner Theme Packages

Here probably comes the best part of this Beginner Theme Review.


So far I have covered the various features and benefits of using Beginner Theme for your Website or, Blog.

And I am sure that you are smart enough to gauge the business and earning potential of the websites and blogs designed with this theme.


But did you ever think about the price of such an excellent theme?

If you think you have to pay a few $99 or, $79 or, even $49 per site per year, you are completely wrong.

Because you can Own the Beginner Theme just for $39 only.


You read right.

There is No Recurring Charges, No License Limitations, nothing.

You own it literally mean you own it.

You can use it to design any website or blog you want regardless you are designing a site for yourself or for a valuable client of yours.

Beginner Theme License

But here is the catch.

That is even I don’t know if Team Theme Junkie have a Plan for Increasing the Price or, Putting some Limitations on this Red Hot Beginner Theme or not.

Therefore you should Grab Your Copy of Beginner Theme (just as I did) at this lowest possible price at your earliest.

However, I am using their All Theme Package ($49) and strongly recommend you to Buy their All Theme Package too.


Because it is always better to Buy 40+ Themes for just $49 than to Buy a Single Theme for $39.

Do you need a few minutes more to take the Purchase Decision?

I am getting your concern.

Because I was in the same mental stage where you are now.

To clear your doubt, I want to assure you further that any purchase from Theme Junkie  (including the Beginner Theme) comes with a 30-Days No Question Asked Refund Policy.

Theme Junkie Refund Policy

So if, for any reason, you think the Beginner Theme is not for you, you can Claim a Refund from Theme Junkie right away, making your Purchase Completely Risk Free.

Here is the Theme Junkie Refund Policy.

4. Available Support Options:

Theme Junkie Support

My Beginner Theme Review would be incomplete if I do not disclose various Support Options available for the Theme Junkie Customers like us.

Theme Junkie supports their customers through:

  • Find an Answer: A F.A.Q. Section for Quick Help.
  • Support Forum (My Favorite): You can ask them anything to get answers within hours.
  • Theme Documentation: Within their Membership Area, you can find Complete Documentations and Step-by-Step Guides of their most popular themes and plugins.
  • Customization Help: Team Theme Junkie is ready to assist you with any Customization Needs.
  • Social Media: You can also Get in Touch with them through their Social Media Profiles.
  • Contact Form: You can reach them directly with their Contact Form.


I have not faced any issue with their Themes, Plugins or, Support till the time of writing this Beginner Theme Review.

5. My Final Thoughts on Beginner Theme Review:

I like this theme because I like fast, bold and minimalist designs that help my content stands out of the crowd.

And I blog about Technical Stuffs like Professional Blogging, SEO, Content Marketing, etc.

In these niches, contents and quality matters more than the site designs.

However, you may choose other themes like Saha (Fashion), Silvia (Photography), StorePro (E-Commerce Store), or, VideoPro (Video), etc as per your requirement.


I have mentioned my best suggestions and opinions about the Beginner Theme here in this post.

However, to get the best out of this Beginner Theme Review, I strongly recommend you to Buy Beginner Theme ($39) today and experience it yourself.

As I mentioned above, you will get 30-days to claim your refund if you do not like the theme.

Therefore, take action now explore the new world of possibilities.

Now let me know your hand-on experience on Beginner Theme or, any other theme at Theme Junkie by leaving a quick comment below.

Do not forget to share this Beginner Theme Review with your friends for whom it might be helpful.

See you in the next post.

Beginner Theme Review Screenshots Credit: Theme-Junkie
Subhabrata Kasyapi

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