If you want to get an insane traffic boost for your blog or website within a short span of time, you must have to learn (and implement) a few On-Page SEO Techniques to achieve your goals.
In this post, I am going to show you a massive list of 17 On-Page SEO Techniques that are guaranteed to generate a huge amount of Free and Targeted Organic Traffic to your blog.
And yes, these techniques are completely actionable and generally take not more than 10 minutes of time for a post to implement them.
1. Make the Blog/Post URLs SEO-Friendly:
This one is the 1st point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
According to Matt Cutt (from Google),
So always aim for making your Blog/Post URLs Short, Sweet and Simple.
And of course try to include your Focus Keyword(s) at the beginning (or at least the near of the beginnings) of the URL(s).
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2. Start Title with Focus Keyword(s):
This one is the 2nd point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
Try to start the title of your blog post with the focus keyword(s).
If you are planning to optimize your blog post for multiple focus keywords, and if you face difficulties in starting your post title with all of those focus keywords, then aim for starting the title with the best focus keyword.
For example, I have optimized this post for 3 focus keywords.
But I have tried to the title of this post with my best focus keyword “On-Page SEO Techniques”.
It’s Title becomes:
“17 On-Page SEO Techniques Revealed for Giving You an Insane Traffic Boost Soon”
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3. Use “Modifiers” in Your Blog Post Titles:
This one is the 3rd point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
If you are (and you should) using “Long Tail Keywords“, using a few “modifiers” can help you rank better in SERP.
According to Adam from Adam Riemer Marketing,
Modifiers are words that people add on to a base keyword when trying to find more relevant search results in a search engine. They include adjectives, materials, slang, shopping terms, verbs, questions and anything else that would bring back a more relevant result. You can use a single modifiers for more general queries or combine them to make long tail keyword phrases.
Here “modifiers” refer to the words like “best“, “only“, “top“, “2016” etc.
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4. Write Your Blog Post Headline in H1 Tag:
This one is the 4th point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
If you use WordPress for Blogging, then probably WordPress is already taking care of the same by default.
Some themes may override this WordPress Default Settings (I really don’t know the reason).
That’s why you need check if your theme putting your Blog Post Title under H1 Tag or not.
Here is how to do it:
- Step-1: Open any of your previous posts with your favorite Desktop Web Browser.
- Step-2: Right Click on it.
- Step-3: Click on “View Page Source” (KB Shortcut: Ctrl+U)
- Step-4: On the Source Code Page, Select: “Find” from your Browser Menu (KB Shortcut: Ctrl+F)
- Step-5: In the “Find” Box, type “headline” and Press Enter.
Now you have to check the “headline” of your blog post if it is under “H1” tag or not.
In most cases, you will find it is already in “H1” tag. You don’t need to do anything.
But if your post headline is not written in “H1” tag, you may need to modify the same manually.
This is important.
However, you should use “H1” Tag only once per page in order not to confuse Search Engines with their Search Algorithms.
Here is a Screenshot (for your reference) for one of my posts on this blog:
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5. Use Multimedia Properly:
This one is the 5th point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
If you know the art of using multimedia contents in your blog posts, you will probably observe a boost in the number of your visitors and a drop in your bounce rate.
These two factors can impact your On-Page SEO positively.
- Using multimedia contents properly makes your blog posts beautiful. So your visitors enjoy them and stay tuned to your blog post resulting a drop in your Page Bounce Rate.
- When a visitor enjoys a post, chances are high he or she shares it with others too resulting a Traffic Boost for your blog.
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6. Put Sub-Headings under <H2>, <H3>,….,<H6>Tags:
This one is the 6th point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
If you are trying to separate your sub-headings and sub-sub-headings from the body text of your blog post by making them “bold“, “colorful” or, anything else, except putting them into the “<H2>, <H3>,…..,<H6>” tags properly, it is your time to think again.
And while you should put your sub-headings and sub-sub-headings under <H> tags (do not use <H1> tag twice in a page), it is also recommended that you put your Focus Keyword(s) for at least in those sub-headings and sub-sub-headings.
This is a proven method to boost your Search Rank.
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7. Put Your Focus Keyword(s) in First Paragraph:
This one is the 7th point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
Always try to put your Focus Keyword(s) in the first paragraph or in the opening paragraph of your post.
For example, I have optimized this post for 3 focus keywords and you can find them all in the first or opening paragraph of this post.
Check it out here:
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8. Make Your Blog “Mobile-Friendly“:
This one is the 8th point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
Google has already started penalizing non-mobile-friendly sites right on 2015.
And other search engines are also on the way of doing it.
So it has become extremely critical to make your site mobile-friendly.
First of all, you have to check if your site is already mobile-friendly or not.
If your site is already mobile-friendly, Congrats!
You need not do anything in this regard right now.
But if your site is not mobile-friendly, you should consider redesigning your site.
You can do this either by yourself or by hiring a developer.
In my opinion, Mobile-Friendly Design is also helpful to make user experience with your site better.
Here is the result of Mobile-Friendly Test (by Google) for this site:
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9. Use External (Outbound) Links:
This one is the 9th point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
Using External Links is extremely important to show the Search Engines what you are writing about and whom you are linking to.
This is one of the most important On-Page SEO Techniques.
Let me make it a bit clear for you.
For example, if you mention (link) the Industry Leaders and their sayings in your blog post contents, chances are high that they (or at least some of them) will be happy to mention (or, link) you and your blog back in their own blogs, too.
As a result, you will get more exposure without even spending a dime.
You will enjoy…..
- a better Ranking in SERP.
- more traffic.
- more revenue.
- more comments. and
- more business.
If you regularly follow my posts on this blog, you will see me to using a good amount of external links to make this happen.
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10. Link Your Posts Internally:
This one is the 10th point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
Just like the external linking, you should link all the relevant posts of your blog internally.
For example, in one of my previous posts on Getting Google AdSense Approval (Fast), I have linked my another post with it internally.
The screenshot is given below:
It is beneficial for me because:
- It makes my post more valuable by adding some extra resources.
- It has a good potential to reduce the Page Bounce Rate.
- My posts get more exposure without breaking my sweat.
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11. Enhance Site Speed to See Traffic Boost:
This one is the 11th point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
Do you love a slow site which takes 5 minutes to load?
So none does.
And Search Engines know it very well.
That’s why search engines like to reward “fast loading” sites with better ranking.
So if your site is not so fast (takes more than 2 seconds to load), make sure you will be working on it.
You can check your Site Speed by using these tools:
If you found anything wrong with your site speed, you are can seek help from a standard Blog Consultancy Service.
They will certainly (and safely) help you with any kind of blogging issue.
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12. Use LSI Keywords to Utilize On-Page SEO Techniques:
This one is the 12th point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
I am not sure if you have heard about “LSI Keywords” before or not.
But to make your On-Page SEO better, you have to understand and use them smartly.
LSI stands for “Latent Semantic Indexing” in the field of blogging.
Simply put, they are something near about “Synonyms”
But of course, they are NOT exactly the synonyms.
The “LSI Keywords” are supporting keywords for your “Seed Keywords“.
For example, a few “LSI Keywords” might be “Online Marketing“, “Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses” etc for the “Seed Keyword”: “Content Marketing“.
You can use this tool to generate multiple LSI Keywords against your Seed Keywords.
Using LSI Keywords helps Search Engines to determine the Page Relevancy (and Content Quality) and give that particular page a Proper Rank in SERP.
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13. Take Care of Your Image SEO:
This one is the 13th point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
Adding images to your blog posts alone is not sufficient for a better On-Page SEO.
You should use relevant images properly.
You should make your images search engine optimized too.
I am not going to discuss this in details here.
I have already published an extensive post on Image SEO on this blog a few days ago.
I am pretty sure that you will learn so many things about Image SEO from the post recommended above.
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14. Don’t be Shy to Use Social Sharing Buttons:
This one is the last but three-point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
Although Search Engines does not value the Social Sharing Signals directly in placing the sites in SERP, but adding a few Social Sharing Buttons can still make the difference in terms of your website success.
If your visitors like your contents and find prominently placed social sharing buttons nearby your posts, they will likely be happy to share your contents with others.
In fact, a Study by BrightEdge has found that the Prominent Placement of Social Sharing Buttons can increase the Social Sharings as much as by 700%.
And this means more eyeballs at your contents.
More organic traffic and probably a few good leads for your business.
However, I don’t recommend you to place each and every kind of social sharing buttons in your posts as this may confuse your visitors and actually results in a fewer social sharings.
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15. Mind Your Post Length:
This one is the last but two point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
According to most the SEO Experts:
And this fact was also validated by this study.
This study found that the longer contents often tend to get the higher rank in Google Search Result Page.
So aim for complete and long contents everytime you publish a post.
This post is approximately 2,500+ words long.
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16. Encourage Blog Commenting:
This one is the last but one point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
You may find this one a little crazy.
But it is (actually) not.
Since if your posts get more comments indicates your readers are happy with the contents you are feeding them.
They are likely engaged with your site and spend more time on it.
It means you will enjoy a drop in Page Bounce Rate.
Search Engines rewards those sites with Lower Page Bounce Rate a comparatively higher ranking in SERP.
If you a regular reader of this blog, you have probably know that how much I personally give importance for the commenting on this blog.
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17. Use CTA (Call-to-Action) Properly:
This one is the last but not the least point of this 17-Point List of On-Page SEO Techniques.
Do not ever dare to leave your readers in Darkness.
Guide them in every step accordingly.
Use your CTA Techniques properly.
For example, if you want your readers to Download something from your site or Subscribe to your newsletter, clearly ask them to do so.
Do not be shy.
Your readers will find it more engaging if you do this properly.
Take away:
- Read: What is SEO: Why Do Your Blog Need It?
- Read: Off-Page SEO: 7 Proven Tricks to Give Your Blog a Significant Boost in SERP (Ed.2016)
I have shared my Top 17 On-Page SEO Techniques those I use to get a more and more traffic on my blog.
You see, all of those methods are super-easy and quick to implement.
That’s why I call them fully “Actionable“.I encourage you to start taking acting right from today.
I encourage you to start taking acting right from today.
I recommend you to apply them one by one (if you are completely new to On-Page SEO) at a time and check if you are getting the better results out of that implemented technique.
But you can also implement them in your blogging strategy if you are a bit comfortable with all of them.
If you have face any issue regarding the implementation of those techniques those are built for giving you an (almost) instant traffic boost, feel free to ask me for help by leaving a quick comment below.
I reply each and every comment personally.
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Great Content ! Thank you
Thanks Abdul.
Happy to know that you have found this post useful.
Keep in Touch.
Huge and authentic info you have shared. Very good one. Keep it up dude. ?
Thanks Moumita.
Happy to know that you have found this post useful.
Keep in Touch.