Is your blog making enough money or, getting millions of page views every month right now?
Are you sure that your blog is based on a rock-solid foundation?
If not, this first post of the four posts series on successful blog foundation is just for you.
Through this four posts series, you will be learning everything you need to know to make your blog ready for success in 2018 and beyond.
Read the Complete 4-Posts Successful Blog Foundation Series:
- 1st Post: How to Make Your Blog’s Technical Foundation Right [Technical Guide] – You are here.
- 2nd Post: How to Make Your Blog’s Technical Foundation Right [Content Guide]
- 3rd Post: How to Make Your Blog’s Technical Foundation Right [Promotional Guide]
- 4th Post: How to Make Your Blog’s Technical Foundation Right [Monetization Guide]
So grab a cup of coffee, be ready to take notes, setup an action-taker mentality inside you and go through this post.
So let’s get started.
What’ll Your Learn (Through This Four Posts Series):
- How to Make Your Blog’s Technical Foundation Right
- How to Make Your Blog’s Content Strategy Right
- How to Make Your Blog’s Social Media Presence Right
- How to Make Your Blog’s Financial Scopes Right
In this first post, I will show you how to make your blog technically right.
How to Make Your Blog’s Technical Foundation Right:
First thing first.
If you really want to make your blog successful, you must optimize the technical foundation of your blog.
Here’s how:
Goal Setting:
Did you setup a few realistic goals for your blog?
If not, set them up now.
It might be anything like, “I shall start making $10K/Month from my blog by the end of 2018” or, “I will be having 10K followers base across all the popular social media by June, 2018”, etc.
Without proper goal setting, trust me, you can not proceed further in your blogging career.
So do not dare to skip this step.
Niche Selection:
Just after setting your goal(s), consider selecting appropriate niche for reaching your goal(s).
This is important.
Because it would be easier for you to achieve your goals if you can select your niche for blogging properly.
In this step, I strongly recommend you to stick with one niche per blog.
Read: The 3-Step Ultimate Guide to Find the Best Niche for Blogging
Domain Booking:
Next step is Domain Booking.
And it is crucial one.
Because people will reach your blog with the domain.
So I strongly recommend you to choose your domain very carefully.
Read: How to Choose the Perfect Domain Name (that Your Readers Would Love to Remember)
Choosing the Best Web Hosting Service:
There is an English proverb:
Prevention is better than cure.
Practically, it means it better to take preventive measures than to regret later for cure.
The same thing applies about web hosting in the blogging industry.
You MUST choose the best web hosting service to keep your blog running smoothly.
In this case, I recommend you to choose SiteGround as your web hosting partner.
Trust me, you won’t regret later.
Click here to Claim your Special 60% Off SiteGround Hosting Coupon
- Read-1: Advanced Web Hosting Guide for Choosing the Best Web Hosting for Your Blog
- Read-2: 4 WordPress Recommended Hosting Services That You Must Know About
Pick the Perfect Blogging Platform:
Once you are done with the steps mentioned above, the next is your turn to choose the perfect blogging platform.
See, there are lots of blogging (and micro-blogging) platforms out there.
Some of them are even free.
But did you know, world’s most professional bloggers use WordPress as there blogging platform?
Millions of happy users (count me in one of them) cannot be wrong.
So, without wasting any time start your blogging career with WordPress today.
And if you want, I can Setup your WordPress Blog for Free.
Selecting the Best WordPress Theme:
That’s where the arts weds science.
Yes. I think this way.
In this section, you will be starting designing your blog with a beautiful and search engine optimized WordPress theme.
There are lots of companies that are providing hundreds of free and paid WordPress Themes.
But just like hosting, you must be picky about the themes.
Because all themes are not coded to provide you with the best post installation experience and after sales support.
In this case, I strongly recommend you to stick with any of the following theme providers:
Installing Essential Plugins:
WordPress Plugins play vital roles in expanding the functionalities of the sites.
However, you should install only the essential plugins on your site powered by WordPress.
Because the more plugins actually harm your site performance.
Soon I’ll be publishing a list of essential plugins that you should install immediately after installing a beautiful WordPress theme.
If you don’t know how to install a WordPress Plugin, go ahead and watch the video embedded below:
Speed and UX Optimization:
If you are blogging professionally for a while, you must be aware of the fact that website Speed and UX play major role in search engine optimization.
Unfortunately, knowing and implementing are two completely different things.
Your knowledge can’t help you (or, anyone else) unless and until you do not implement it.
So, be very careful about the Website Speed and UX optimization if you ever want to bring traffic to your blog and make money from it.
Trust me, it is not that difficult as you think.
However, it needs a few hours dedicated attention for the same.
Setting Up Google Analytics:
Since the tech-giant Google enjoys the lion’s portion of all search queries, you must measure your site’s progress through it.
One of the best way to do it to setting up a Google Analytics Account for your blog from the very first day of your blogging journey.
It will help you a lot in the long run.
However, if you are not sure how to setup Google Analytics on your blog, you can learn it by watching the tutorial video (by OneHourProfessor) given below:
Make Your SEO Right:
Do I really need to say anything about the importance of making your SEO right?
I think I need not.
Without making your SEO right, you thoroughly researched, information rich posts will be like beautiful flowers in a dust-bin.
None can read them.
None can learn anything from them.
And finally, as a blogger, all your efforts to help your readers by sharing your knowledge will go into the vein.
Of course you don’t want the same.
So, make your SEO right.
I know SEO is a bit complex thing.
At least for the newbies.
So if you have any specific questions regarding SEO, you may simply ask me in the comment section below.
Additionally, you can go through my Proven SEO Tips to get things done quickly, easily and all by yourself.
I am sure if you follow this step-by-step guide for a successful blog foundation carefully and take action according to it, you will see a huge performance boost of your blog.
Your traffic will be increased and income will be much better in a short span of time.
In the next few posts, I will be showing you some more interesting things about a successful blog foundation.
So subscribe to this blog to get the latest updates sent directly to your mailbox (for free) and stay updated.
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See you in the next post.
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